Monday, 19 March 2007

Day 8 - Zhong Shan Torch International Trade Development Area

This was one of the three trade development areas we visited in the 9 days we spent in China.

We got another welcome message again!

As you can see, the entire place is very empty, and almost deserted to a certain extend.

There really isn't much to tell about the place other than the fact that the development area are still in the process of setting up and attracting investors.

The funniest thing about this place? Is that many of us had no idea that this was a trade developement area. Rong Xing and I even went as far to think that this was a company that manufactures torches.

Wahahahaha. Rong Xing and her antics are priceless!

Day 8 - Sun Feng San Park

We next visited the Sun Feng San Park after Sunten. There isn't much here to see expect the breath taking scenery! Besides, all of us needed a break from all the constant travelling.

Xiao Deng dropped us off and went off to buy a new microphone for the bus, the old one was spoiled, and only Xiao Deng seems to be able to fix it and speak on it. Mr. Wong's repeated attempts to "Wey Wey!" (Hello in Canto) failed miserably! Hahaha!

We didn't do much there expect to take photos, photos and more photos:

From left: Me, Eliz, Rong Xing, Keiza, Dickson, Zhi Wen, Pei Xuan, Stephie, Guan Hong, Bao Yi and Sherly.

The structure looks small from afar, but it is freaking huge. Just look at how the people in the photo stand up to the size of the structure. Mr. Kam was pretty amazed and asked how in the world did they construct that. We had no idea as well.

Us taking a photo below the structure, from left:
Guan Hong, me, Winnie, BaoYi, Zhi Wen, Stephie, Andrea, Rong Xing and Elizabeth

We took photos with Lao Yao as well, and there seems to be a lot of kids in the park as well.

The star of the moment, there were so many of us lining up to take a photo of this cutie!

Yes, he knew I was trying to snap a photo of him, and he turned around and gave me this pose. Hahaha!

Lao Yao and me!

My two favourite new friends on the trip, simply because they are soooooooooooo funny and cute with all their antics, and hey! They accepted me for who I am, not what they heard!

Elizabeth (bird bird); and Rong Xing (blur queen), oh, she has a twin sister that doesn't look like her at all!

My group members, Christine
and Glenda!

Day 8 - Sunten Electric Co.

We visited Sunten Electric in the morning as our first stop.

Sunten Electric Co. Ltd. (SUNTEN) was founded in 1988. With development for over ten years, SUNTEN has become a famous supplier of electricity equipment for domestic and aboard urban electricity networks, a leading company in the worldwide dry type transformer industry.

We learnt that it is the pioneer in the following fields:
1. Dry-Type Transformers - $8m RMB, No. 1 in China
2. Reactors - $2m RMB, Top 3 in China
3. Substations - $1.5RMB - $2RMB, Top 3 China
4. Switch Gears - $1m RMB - $1.5m RMB, Started production in 2002

90% of its customers are based in China. Even though it is one of the top players in the market, Sunten is also facing very strong competition from at least 5 other companies in the same field. To counter the problem, Sunten is focusing on the Quality of their products to retain their customers and attract new ones.

It is currently entering into a Joint Venture with a French company, Activa. This move will enable them to lower operating costs in an active Chinese consumer market.

We proceeded upstairs for the Q&A session, and it was here that many of us were starting to wear down and feel the fitigue of the constant travelling on the roads. The response during the Q&A session was very slow and Ah Bu got me to fire off the first question.

And his answer was so long, I actually fell asleep while he was addressing my question! How embarassing!